Thursday, November 15, 2018

Manolakos? Manos?

Manolakos was our family name in Greece. When my father Constantine Manolakos entered New York City via Ellis Island, he was told: "OK young man, now you are Gus Manos." He was born in Pritsa which was later named Palio Vrisi. My story will shock you. I was born in Brooklyn nine months old I was taken to Greece and then shocking things occurred............................... Don't pay those ridiculously high prices on Amazon. Order here for just $25. in the USA. Some book dealers are charging almost $1000. for my book. Truly amazing. Scroll down the page for the drop down menu and select either English or Greek. I will autograph it to you. I am the author and the copyright holder. Happy reading.
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1 comment:

  1. Does this book include facts, any information whatsoever regarding the very well known town of Petrina, Gythion Greece before I recommend it to others and purchase it myself and if so, any particular surnames.
