Sunday, June 2, 2024

My book is on the beach in Clearwater Florida, thank you Maria!

Maria Koutsobaris bought my book and took it to Florida. Today it is on the beach in Clearwater!

You can choose either All English or All Greek, there is a drop down menu.

You can choose either all Greek or all English, there is a drop down menu for your convenience. Just scroll down the page to see the paypal boxes.  Thank you.

I am Pauline. Now that is.............But back in the horio, they called me Pitsa, my brother Nikos and I thought it was from Panagiota or Panagiotitsa because I never was told my real name. My brother called me Pitsirika. He told me that he had vague memories as a child, back in New York, of our Mama calling me a name that was strange and different but he was too small and could not remember what it was. ......... Here we were now far from New a village called Zelina...........with a woman guardian...........telling us that we were to call her Yia Yia from now on..................strange................we had no took years to unravel the truth of what really happened and who we were............Pauline is from the 1920's Pauline was a very popular little girl's name, especially in New York's Chelsea Manhattan book explains it all: RIGHT OUT OF THE NEW YORK DIASPORA, CHECK OUT THIS MASTERPIECE, over 300 PAGES! All English from the original Hellenic text................
About survival....and the immigrant experience in New York and Greece will not put it down until you finish reading the entire book, .... filled with history and information you never knew!......
Don't pay those ridiculously high prices on Amazon. Order here from my company for just $27. in the USA. Some book dealers are charging almost $100. for my book. Wow that is truly amazing. Scroll down the page for the drop down menu and select either English or Greek. Happy reading. Our paypal order form is for USA purchase and shipping only
Don't pay those ridiculously high prices on Amazon. Order here for just $27. in the USA.

This is a must read book! Order it today!

Do you want to learn about the Greek Civil War from a Lady who experienced it first hand?
Then this is the book for you! Can you imagine being born in Brooklyn New York and suddenly finding yourself stuck in a village in Lakonia Greece?

I lived the Immigrant experience as an American in Greece and again in the USA when I finally got to New York!  My story is true and will shock you.

Available in Greek or English.
I ship the same day and Paypal is safe and convenient. Δεν προσπαθώ να σάς επηρεάσω γιατί το βιβλίο μου, δεν το έγραψα για να κερδίσω χρήματα και αυτό θα το διεπιστόσετε όταν καταλάβετε πόσο αξίζει να το διαβάσετε. Απλά, προσπάθησα να βοηθήσω τους συνανθρώπους μου. Έτσι, τόσο απλά, όπως ο κάθε ένας σάς κάνει την ίδια σκέψη: "Γιατί δεν γράφω και εγώ;" --------------------------------------------------------------------Κάνετε το, και θα με καταλάβετε. Άλλοι γράφουν λίγα και ζητάν $40 με $50 δολάρια...........Εγώ έγραψα ένα αξιόλογο βιβλίο με περισσότερο από 340 σελίδες, με πολύ συναρπαστικό θέμα που περιέχει μόνον αλήθειες, και ζητώ μόνον $25. και όσα είναι τα ταχυδρομικά............ ..............Μήπως πρέπει να το σκεφθείτε;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Η ερώτηση: "Η Κόλαση Που Είναι; Δεν είναι μόνον να σας τονίσει την περιέργεια. Κανένας δεν πλουτίζει, γράφοντας βιβλία, απλά, διδάσκει! ............Πωλίν Μάνος Μανωλάκος
THE best intellectual gift is a copy of my over 300 pages large print book, biographically based novel, in either all English or all Greek/Hellenic, a book abut extraordinary survival, women's issues, parenting, families, justices/injustices, NYC, USA, Brooklyn, Florida, Lakonia/Athens Greece, History, Ethics, Wars, Patriotism, Greek traitors in German Uniforms all over Greece, PTSD, Love, Defeat, choices, divorce, forced marriage and so much more but with dignity, surviving! Order with easy, safe and convenient pay pal. $25 plus $3. will not want to put it down, get it for yourself, your parents, your grandparents............see me raising my spirit in everyday life as I stand solidly upon my dignity and survive, learn from my lessons!!!!! Do you want to learn about the Greek Civil War from a Lady who experienced it first hand?
Then this is the book for you! Can you imagine being born in Brooklyn New York and suddenly finding yourself stuck in a village in Lakonia Greece?

I lived the Immigrant experience as an American in Greece and again in the USA when I finally got back to New York!  My story is true and will shock you.

Available in Greek or English.
I ship the same day and Paypal is safe and convenient.
My book is great for Ladies and Men of any ethnicity. You will be mesmerized with my life story. My book is available in all Greek or all English.

The Greek version just came out in it's second edition.  I ship the same day and Paypal is safe and convenient.